Entries by insurancetn

What Does Health Insurance Cover for COVID-19?

Whether you are diagnosed with COVID or receive the vaccine to prevent the virus, you need to understand what your health insurance covers and how you can get coverage if you don’t already have it. Here’s some common questions we are asked: Will my health insurance cover COVID-19 treatment? If you have health insurance, you are […]

Best Ways to Save on Homeowners Insurance

Having enough coverage for all possible risks remains crucial in your homeowners insurance. There are a lot of factors that go into calculating your premium, but there are many ways to help lower it without sacrificing the quality of your coverage. Here are the best ways you can save on your homeowners insurance! 1. Bundle […]


Homeowners Insurance and Firearms – Are You Covered?

Americans buy insurance for a lot of things: homes, cars, their health care—even their lives. But what about firearms? Homeowner’s insurance can provide coverage but . . . it’s complicated. As a firearm owner, there are special considerations that must be made when purchasing homeowner’s insurance. When determining the total coverage amount needed to protect […]


Covid-19: Daily Tips to Protect Your Family

Doctors are reporting they now understand the behavior of the COVID 19 virus due to autopsies that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs. So they have discovered that in order to apply a medicine you have to open […]

10 Spring Cleaning Tips You Can’t Live Without!

Despite the chill that still lingers in the air, Spring is here. Whenever you hear the word spring you might associate it with cleaning or a fresh start. Spring cleaning is no small task, though. In fact, it can often turn into a huge project that some of us may give up on. To make […]


8 Steps to Take this Summer for Healthy Living

Improve your health with steps so simple you’ll barely notice the effort. In the warmer, longer, lazier days of summer, the living may not be easy, but your life probably feels less chaotic. Even adults tend to adopt a “school’s out!” attitude in summer. That’s why this is a perfect time to improve your health […]